AI Tools For Charities:
55 AI tools to help charities and nonprofits


  • AI Chat Tools

    • 1. Chat GPT

    • 2. Bing Chat

    • 3. BulkGPT

  • AI Prompt Tools

    • 4. Unprompt

    • 5. Prompt Mania

    • 6. Midlibrary

    • 7. Promptmakr

  • Digital Marketing AI Tools

    • 8. Clickable

    • 9. Pencil

    • 10. Anyword

    • 11. Memorable Admaker

    • 12. Taplio

    • 13. Daydrm

    • 14. Presshook

    • 15. Jester

    • 16. Viral Views

    • 17. Backlinks AI

  • AI Content Marketing Tools

    • 18. Koala

    • 19. Jasper

    • 20. Wordtune

    • 21. INK

    • 22. Unbounce - Smart Copy

  • AI Conversion Optimisation Tools

    • 23. Persado

    • 24. Phrasee

    • 25. Unbounce - Smart Traffic

    • 26. Marble Flows

    • 27. Sales Pitch

  • Images

    • 28. Midjourney

    • 29. Dall-E-2

    • 30. WithPoly

    • 31. Patterned

    • 32. Autodraw

    • 33. Fotofix

    • 34. Aimages

  • Audio

    • 35. Article Audio

    • 36. Otter

    • 37. Article Audio

    • 38. Tape Search

    • 39. Podsqueeze

  • Video

    • 40. Synthesia

    • 41. PixelForge

    • 42. Magic Thumbnails

    • 43. Thumbly

    • 44. Comment Analyser

  • Reporting and analysis

    • 45. Excel Formula Bot

    • 46. Auto Regex

    • 47. Flow Shot

    • 48. Good Look-up

    • 49. Olli

    • 50. Arcwise

  • Productivity

    • 51. Notion

    • 52. Motion

    • 53. Voila

    • 54. Eilla

    • 55. Experai

AI Chat Tools For Charities:

AI-powered chat tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations improve their customer service and support by providing 24/7 assistance to donors and volunteers. These tools can also help organizations engage with their audience through personalized interactions, providing a more human touch to their online presence.

Chat GPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to text-based conversations. The main advantage of Chat GPT is that it can handle a wide range of topics and respond in a natural and engaging way, making it useful for customer support, sales, and other applications that require human-like interaction.

Bing Chat is a chatbot platform developed by Microsoft that allows users to build and deploy chatbots on a variety of channels, including web, mobile, and social media. The main advantage of Bing Chat is that it provides a powerful and flexible platform for building chatbots that can interact with customers and automate tasks, helping businesses save time and improve customer engagement.

BulkGPT is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses generate high-quality and engaging content quickly and easily. The main advantage of BulkGPT is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including content marketing, social media, and SEO.

AI Chat Prompt Tools For Charities

AI-powered chat prompt tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations generate high-quality, engaging responses to common questions and inquiries. This can save time and resources, allowing organizations to focus on more pressing matters while providing excellent customer service to their audience.

Unprompt is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help users generate ideas and prompts for writing projects. The main advantage of Unprompt is that it can help users overcome writer's block and generate new ideas, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including creative writing, blog posts, and content marketing.

Prompt Mania is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help users generate ideas and prompts for writing projects. The main advantage of Prompt Mania is that it can help users overcome writer's block and generate new ideas, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including creative writing, blog posts, and content marketing.

Midlibrary is an AI-powered platform that uses machine learning to analyze text data and provide personalized recommendations. The main advantage of Midlibrary is that it can help businesses improve customer engagement and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on customer behaviour.

Promptmakr is an AI-powered platform that can help users generate creative writing prompts based on specific topics or themes. The main advantage of Promptmakr is that it can save users time and effort when brainstorming ideas for writing projects, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including creative writing, content creation, and academic writing.

Digital Marketing AI Tools For Charities:
AI-powered digital marketing tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations improve their online presence and reach by optimizing their social media and advertising campaigns. These tools can also help organizations analyze their audience and tailor their messaging to better engage with their donors and volunteers.

Clickable is an AI-powered platform that uses machine learning to analyze website content and provide recommendations for improving user engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Clickable is that it can help businesses improve their website's performance and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on user behaviour.

Pencil is an AI-powered platform that uses machine learning to analyze website content and provide recommendations for improving user engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Pencil is that it can help businesses improve their website's performance and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on user behaviour.

Anyword is an AI-powered platform that uses natural language processing to generate marketing copy and content. The main advantage of Anyword is that it can help businesses save time and effort when creating marketing content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including advertising, content marketing, and social media.

Memorable Admaker is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses create high-quality and engaging ads quickly and easily. The main advantage of Memorable Admaker is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating ads, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including advertising, marketing, and social media.

Taplio is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses analyze customer behaviour and provide targeted recommendations for improving engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Taplio is that it can help organisations improve their website's performance and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on user behaviour.

Daydrm is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses create high-quality and engaging video content quickly and easily. The main advantage of Daydrm is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating video content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including advertising, marketing, and social media.

Presshook is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses generate high-quality press releases quickly and easily. The main advantage of Presshook is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating press releases, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including public relations and marketing

Jester is an AI-powered platform that can help users generate high-quality and engaging jokes and humour content quickly and easily. The main advantage of Jester is that it can save users time and effort when creating humour content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including entertainment, social media, and advertising.

Viral Views is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses analyze and optimize their social media content for maximum engagement and reach. The main advantage of Viral Views is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating social media content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including advertising, marketing, and social media.

Backlinks AI is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses improve their website's search engine ranking by analyzing backlinks and providing targeted recommendations for improvement. The main advantage of Backlinks AI is that it can help businesses improve their website's search engine visibility and increase traffic and sales.

AI Tools For Content Marketing:
AI-powered content marketing tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations create compelling and informative content for their audience, improving engagement and driving more traffic to their website. These tools can also help organizations optimize their content for search engines, increasing their visibility and reach.

Koala is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help users improve their writing by providing suggestions for grammar, spelling, and style. The main advantage of Koala is that it can help users write more clearly and effectively, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including business communication, academic writing, and personal correspondence.

Jasper is an AI-powered chatbot platform that allows users to build and deploy chatbots on a variety of channels, including web, mobile, and social media. The main advantage of Jasper is that it provides a powerful and flexible platform for building chatbots that can interact with customers and automate tasks, helping businesses save time and improve customer engagement.

Wordtune is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help users improve their writing by providing suggestions for grammar, spelling, and style. The main advantage of Wordtune is that it can help users write more clearly and effectively, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including business communication, academic writing, and personal correspondence.

INK is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help users improve their content's SEO by providing suggestions for keyword usage, meta tags, and other optimization techniques. The main advantage of INK is that it can help users improve their content's visibility and search engine ranking, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including content marketing and search engine optimization.

Unbounce - Smart Copy is an AI-powered platform that uses natural language processing to analyze marketing content and provide recommendations for improving engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Unbounce - Smart Copy is that it can help businesses improve their marketing effectiveness and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on customer behaviour.

AI Tools To Improve Conversion:

AI-powered conversion tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations improve their website's conversion rate by analyzing user behaviour and providing targeted recommendations for improvement. This can help organizations increase their donations and achieve their fundraising goals more efficiently.

Persado is an AI-powered platform that uses natural language processing to analyze marketing content and provide recommendations for improving engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Persado is that it can help businesses improve their marketing effectiveness and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on customer behaviour.

Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that uses natural language processing to analyze marketing content and provide recommendations for improving engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Phrasee is that it can help businesses improve their marketing effectiveness and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on customer behaviour.

Unbounce - Smart Traffic is an AI-powered platform that uses machine learning to analyze website traffic and provide recommendations for improving user engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Unbounce - Smart Traffic is that it can help businesses improve their website's performance and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on user behaviour.

Marble Flows is an AI-powered platform that can help users generate high-quality and engaging content quickly and easily. The main advantage of Marble Flows is that it can save users time and effort when creating content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including content marketing, social media, and SEO.

Sales Pitch is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses create high-quality and engaging sales pitches quickly and easily. The main advantage of Sales Pitch is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating sales pitches, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including sales, marketing, and advertising.

AI Image Generation & Optimisation Tools

AI-powered image tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations find and edit high-quality images for their website and social media channels. This can save time and resources, allowing organizations to create engaging visual content without the need for a professional photographer or graphic designer.

Midjourney is an AI-powered platform that uses machine learning to analyze customer behaviour and provide personalized recommendations. The main advantage of Midjourney is that it can help businesses improve customer engagement and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on customer behaviour.

Dall-E-2 is an AI-powered image generation tool developed by OpenAI that can create a wide range of images based on textual prompts. The main advantage of Dall-E-2 is that it can generate high-quality and diverse images based on textual input, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including art, design, and content creation.

WithPoly is an AI-powered platform that uses natural language processing to analyze text data and extract insights. The main advantage of WithPoly is that it can help businesses improve their understanding of customer feedback and sentiment, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including product development, marketing, and customer support.

Patterned is an AI-powered tool that can help users generate complex patterns quickly and easily. The main advantage of Patterned is that it can save users time and effort when creating patterns, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including art, design, and fashion.

Autodraw is an AI-powered drawing tool that can help users create high-quality illustrations quickly and easily. The main advantage of Autodraw is that it can save users time and effort when creating illustrations, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including art, design, and content creation.

Fotofix is an AI-powered platform that can help users enhance and edit their photos quickly and easily. The main advantage of Fotofix is that it can save users time and effort when editing photos, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including photography, design, and content creation.

Aimages is an AI-powered platform that can help users find and edit high-quality images quickly and easily. The main advantage of Aimages is that it can save users time and effort when finding and editing images, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including design, content creation, and marketing.

AI Tools For Optimising Audio Content

AI-powered audio tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations improve their audio recordings and podcasts by removing background noise, enhancing sound quality, and automating the editing process. This can save time and resources, allowing organizations to focus on creating engaging and informative content for their audience.

Otter is an AI-powered transcription tool that can automatically transcribe audio recordings into text. The main advantage of Otter is that it can save users time and effort when transcribing audio recordings, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including business meetings, interviews, and lectures.

Article Audio is an AI-powered platform that can convert written content into audio format. The main advantage of Article Audio is that it can help users consume content more easily and efficiently, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including education, news, and entertainment.

Tape Search is an AI-powered platform that can help users search and analyze audio and video recordings quickly and easily. The main advantage of Tape Search is that it can save users time and effort when searching for specific audio or video content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including research, journalism, and broadcasting.

Podsqueeze is an AI-powered platform that can help podcasters improve the quality of their audio recordings by removing background noise and enhancing sound quality. The main advantage of Podsqueeze is that it can save podcasters time and effort when editing their audio recordings, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including podcasting, audio production, and broadcasting.

AI Tools To Power Your Charity Videos

AI-powered video tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations create high-quality and engaging video content for their audience. These tools can automate the editing process, add special effects and animations, and optimize videos for

Synthesia is an AI-powered video generation tool that can create realistic and personalized videos based on textual input. The main advantage of Synthesia is that it can save users time and effort when creating videos, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including marketing, advertising, and content creation.

PixelForge is an AI-powered platform that can help users create high-quality and engaging visual content quickly and easily. The main advantage of PixelForge is that it can save users time and effort when creating visual content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including art, design, and content creation.

Magic Thumbnails is an AI-powered platform that can help users create high-quality and engaging thumbnails for their videos quickly and easily. The main advantage of Magic Thumbnails is that it can save users time and effort when creating video thumbnails, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including video production, content creation, and social media.

Thumbly is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses generate high-quality and engaging social media posts quickly and easily. The main advantage of Thumbly is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating social media content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including advertising, marketing, and social media.

Comment Analyser is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses analyze customer feedback and comments. The main advantage of Comment Analyser is that it can help businesses improve their customer service and support by providing targeted recommendations based on customer feedback.

Reporting & Analysis AI Tools

AI-powered reporting and analysis tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations track their progress and measure their impact. These tools can provide valuable insights into donor behaviour, campaign performance, and overall organizational effectiveness, helping organizations make data-driven decisions.

Excel Formula Bot is an AI-powered tool that can help users generate complex Excel formulas quickly and easily. The main advantage of Excel Formula Bot is that it can save users time and effort when working with Excel, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including finance, accounting, and data analysis.

Auto Regex is an AI-powered tool that can help users generate regular expressions quickly and easily. The main advantage of Auto Regex is that it can save users time and effort when working with text data, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including data cleaning, data analysis, and programming.

Flow Shot is an AI-powered tool that can help users create high-quality screenshots and visual content quickly and easily. The main advantage of Flow Shot is that it can save users time and effort when creating visual content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including web design, content creation, and marketing.

Good Look-up is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses analyze customer behaviour and provide targeted recommendations for improving engagement and conversion rates. The main advantage of Good Look-up is that it can help organisations improve their website's performance and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on user behaviour.

Olli is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses automate customer service and support. The main advantage of Olli is that it can save businesses time and effort when providing customer service, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including e-commerce, banking, and healthcare.

Arcwise is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses optimize their website's performance and user experience by analyzing user behaviour and providing targeted recommendations for improvement. The main advantage of Arcwise is that it can help businesses improve their website's performance and increase sales by providing targeted recommendations based on user behaviour.

AI productivity and project management tools for charities:

AI-powered productivity tools can help charities and nonprofit organizations streamline their processes and improve their workflow. These tools can automate repetitive tasks, schedule appointments and meetings, and provide insights into how time is being spent, allowing organizations to focus on their core mission.

Notion is an AI-powered platform that can help users organize and manage their tasks and projects more efficiently. The main advantage of Notion is that it can save users time and effort when managing complex projects, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including project management, team collaboration, and personal productivity.

Motion is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses create high-quality and engaging video content quickly and easily. The main advantage of Motion is that it can save businesses time and effort when creating video content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including advertising, marketing, and social media.

Voila is an AI-powered platform that can help users create high-quality and engaging visual content quickly and easily. The main advantage of Voila is that it can save users time and effort when creating visual content, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including art, design, and content creation.

Eilla is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses automate customer service and support. The main advantage of Eilla is that it can save businesses time and effort when providing customer service, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including e-commerce, banking, and healthcare.

Experai is an AI-powered platform that can help businesses automate customer service and support. The main advantage of Experai is that it can save businesses time and effort when providing customer service, making it useful for a wide range of applications, including e-commerce, banking, and healthcare.